
Days of co-creation and user experience – Part II

In a previous post (“Days of Co-creation and user experience”),I wrote “There’s no stopping this now”. I was talking about the issue of improving projects by using actions related with user experience, design thinking and trend analysis and how to combine them inside some given projects. Well, it seems I […]

Análisis de tendencias: cómo se detectan riesgos y oportunidades para tu negocio. (post only available in Spanish and Catalan)

Este post es una introducción a la ponencia que daré el próximo día 1 de julio durante el Salón BIZ Barcelona. Ya es el tercer año consecutivo (2013 y 2014 fueron las sesiones anteriores) que tengo el placer de impartir esta conferencia sobre “técnicas innovadoras para detectar tendencias y nuevas […]

Advertising is one step ahead

Advertising is always one step ahead… until proven otherwise, in terms of trend analysis, that’s true. They are the first to benefit from knowing what’s happening and what’s going to happen… and why… and where… and to whom. It’s normal, the ultimate goal of the sector can be summed up […]

Why street art?

For some years now, I have been looking for and photographing street art wherever I go…  for so long now that I think I’ve developed a special third eye, which is highly selective and able to hone in on stencils, graffiti, etc. in a way that is, I dare say, […]