
Why street art?

For some years now, I have been looking for and photographing street art wherever I go…  for so long now that I think I’ve developed a special third eye, which is highly selective and able to hone in on stencils, graffiti, etc. in a way that is, I dare say, […]

Homo Ludens

Like most of my posts, it all began with a conversation and remembering a story. You find a cherry, pull on it, find another, and end up seeing the whole tree. In September, the Ron Lalá theater company was at the Poliorama theater and, in addition to enjoying their play […]

Mobile, Social Research and User Experience

Last week I traveled to Berlin to attend an event on user experience and the design of mobile applications and services, the MobX 2013 Conference. It was an excellent chance to return to that vibrant city and to learn from and share experiences with many people working to improve user […]

When coolhunting meets Innovation

photo by Bridget Flemming What do we mean when we use the therm coolhunting? We mean innovation, development and knowledge to improve present products and services by advancing the future. Where coolhunting meets innovation? The sociological point of view represents one of the most appropriate umbrella in order to combine […]